陈小鼎,王亚琪.国际关系研究的话语权之争 ——兼论中国国际关系研究的学术自觉[J].国际安全研究,2013,(5):108-124
国际关系研究的话语权之争 ——兼论中国国际关系研究的学术自觉
The Contention of Discourse Power in International Relations and the Academic Consciousness in China
投稿时间:2013-01-21  修订日期:2013-02-22
中文关键词: 国际关系研究  话语权  中国国际关系研究  学术自觉
英文关键词: international relations studies, discourse power, IR studies in China, academic consciousness
陈小鼎 兰州大学政治与行政学院,兰州 730000 
王亚琪 兰州大学政治与行政学院,兰州 730000 
摘要点击次数: 1577
全文下载次数: 1140
      The international relations studies have been under the discourse hegemony of the U.S. since the end of the World War II. The U.S. has constructed the basic paradigm of IR studies, demonstrated and strengthened the legitimacy of its hegemony academically, contributed by its mighty national power, which makes it able to manipulate the international agenda setting to its own benefit, and its hard work on the discourse subject, content and platform following the mechanism of discourse power. After the end of the Cold War, to promote theoretical development and meet the challenge of the international political reality, IR studies is becoming diversified and the contention of academic discourse more prominent. The European IR scholars brought forward “European perspectives” in research orientation, research methods, and schools of theories, which highlights the European culture and the practice of the European integration, and to some extent weakens the American hegemony of discouse. In recent years, along with the adjustment of the international political pattern and the eastward movement of international political and geopolitical center of gravity, the Asian consciousness of IR studies began to emerge, especially in China. The academic consciousness and assuredness of IR studies has substantially improved in China. To further promote the contention of discourse power in IR studies and to break the monopoly of American discourse, this article explains the construction path of American discourse hegemony and its implications, followed by profound analysis of the deficiencies and problems of the discourse power construction in China and specific proposals.
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