李轩.重构中国粮食安全的认知维度、监测指标及治理体系[J].国际安全研究,2015,(3):68-95 |
重构中国粮食安全的认知维度、监测指标及治理体系 |
Reconceptualizing the Concept, Monitoring and Governance of the Chinese Food Security System6896 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 中国粮食安全 认知维度 监测指标 巴西“零饥饿”计划 治理体系 |
英文关键词: food security multi dimensional concept monitoring indicators Zero Hunger Program of Brazil governance |
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摘要点击次数: 1719 |
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中文摘要: |
判断一国粮食安全的实现程度,要基于对粮食安全的清晰认知。粮食安全问题易被简化为粮食总产量问题。上述概念相关但非同一命题。国际粮食安全认知维度及演进显示,粮食安全是一个系统,从横向看,它包含可供量、粮食获取、粮食利用(如营养安全)与稳定性四个维度;从纵向看,它包括宏观、中观与微观(如家庭获取能力)三个层面。一个完备的国家粮食安全监测指标体系也应与这四个维度、三个层面相对应。当前中国粮食安全政策与监测主要强调国内供给总量安全,属于可供量维度与宏观层面的交集;其他维度则较为单薄,尤其是微观层面的粮食获取维度以及粮食利用维度下的营养安全。借鉴巴西跳出“粮食生产大国无粮食安全之虞”的认知窠臼、直面其粮食安全严峻态势、进而推行影响深远的“零饥饿”计划、取得显著成效的经验,中国应加快构建一套比较全面的、符合当前经济、社会和农业发展现状的粮食安全认知、监测及治理体系,即将粮食安全治理重心从宏观转入宏观、中观、微观并重,构建一套全面的粮食安全监测指标体系以及建立跨部门的粮食安全治理体系。 |
英文摘要: |
Conceptual clarity about food security is fundamental to the determination of a country’s food security situation. In China, food security is often simply equated with the quantity of domestic food supply. However, these are two inter related but different issues. The concept of food security is multi dimensional and evolving; hence it is not a single dimensional concept but involves a complex system. From a horizontal perspective, it contains four dimensions, i.e., food availability, food access, food utilization (especially balanced nutrition) and stability; from a vertical perspective, it has macro, meso and micro dimensions. Currently, Chinese food security policy focuses primarily on domestic food supply, which relates to food availability and macro dimension. Other dimensions turn out to be overlooked, such as food access at micro level and nutritional aspects in the food utilization dimension. This article attempts to relate food security in China to Brazil’s experience, and especially how the Lula Government addressed the dilemma of co existence of abundant food supply and the large starving population in Brazil through the “Zero Hunger programme”. The author argues that China should establish a concept of a multi dimensional food security system, with appropriate monitoring indicators and governance structure. |
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