136A Comment on the Water Environment Governance in South Asia
中文关键词: 水资源安全  水环境治理  命运共同体  共情  南亚区域合作联盟
英文关键词: security of water resource  community with shared destiny  water environment governance  sharing  SAARC
刘锦前 上海社会科学院国际关系研究所 上海邮编:200020 
李立凡 上海社会科学院国际关系研究所 上海邮编:200020 
摘要点击次数: 1724
全文下载次数: 1053
      近年来,南亚国家围绕水环境治理取得了一系列进展,不仅加大了双边合作力度,而且为南亚地区进一步合作开发水资源夯实了基础。但由于各国发展阶段与经济实力差异等原因,在水环境治理方面面临短期方向不明、动力不足等难题。此外,南亚地区的水资源争夺严重伤害了国与国之间的感情,成为当前南亚地区关系紧张的催化剂,而国际社会参与南亚水环境治理开发,大国博弈又加剧了地区矛盾。当前,南亚国家在水环境治理合作的道路上可谓一波三折。南亚地区特殊的“历史记忆”导致彼此间命运共生理念认同难度大, “战略互信”的缺失又制约着国家层面友好关系的拓展。以“命运共同体”理念为指导,进而通过“共情”行动来积极推进南亚水环境治理合作,不仅有助于培育国家间感情,也有助于推进水环境治理综合机制建设乃至实现地区整合发展。同时,亚洲有关各方也应该抓住南亚社会经济整合转型的机遇,以参与水环境治理为契机,进一步通过“共情”实践推动南亚经济治理向着更加合理的多边合作态势发展,形成彼此间新形势下的相互依存关系,最终促进南亚地区的整合发展与地区繁荣。
      In recent years, progress has been made in South Asian countries in the water environment governance. They have upgraded bilateral cooperation and reached consensus on a number of technical schemes, including eco environmental evaluation and climate warning system, laying a solid foundation for further cooperation in the utilization of water resources. Due to the discrepancy in development and economic strength of these countries, water environment governance is faced with many problems, e.g. the lack of direction and short term motivation. However, water resources disputes between South Asian countries brings complication to the regional security landscape, harm to the relation among the countries, and growing tension in the region. The presence of the international community in water environment governance in South Asia further aggravates the regional conflicts by bringing in superpower games. The “historical memory” in South Asia makes it hard for the concept of interdependence to take root among the nations, and the “lack of strategic mutual trust” restrains the promotion of friendly relations. The quest for cooperation in water environment governance from the perspective of the “community with shared destiny” is aimed at finding breakthroughs in the mindset of South Asian countries, so as to create conditions for further cooperation in water environment governance. Guided by the concept of the “community with shared destiny”, water environment governance in South Asia is conducive to improved relations among the countries, construction of an integrated mechanism, and integrated development of the entire region. Bonded historically, geographically and ethnically, Asian partner countries should make joint efforts in building a more equitable multi lateral cooperation mechanism in water environment governance, and hence achieve interdependence, integrated development and regional prosperity.
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