A Brief Analysis on “Unrecognized Non State Actor”: Case Studies of Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Kosovo and Northern Cyprus
中文关键词: 无公认非国家行为体  分裂主义  干涉  承认  欧洲一体化
英文关键词: “unrecognized non state” actors, separatism, interference, recognition, European integration
杨恕 兰州大学中亚研究所,兰州 730000 
尹舒阳 美国马里兰大学史密斯商学院 
摘要点击次数: 2117
全文下载次数: 1048
      欧亚地区存在这样一种实体,它们拥有国家的基本特征,但是没有得到国际承认而无法成为国际法上的国家,作者将其定义为“无公认非国家行为体”。 它们在法律上都归属于一个得到国际承认的国家,因外部力量的支持得以存在,而原属国失去了对它们的实际管辖权。本文以阿布哈兹、南奥塞梯、科索沃与北塞浦路斯为例,分析了“无公认非国家行为体”的特征及其形成原因和得到承认的程度差异,指出它们是民族矛盾以及外部势力介入的共同产物,其出现不仅为国际局势增添了不稳定因素,导致自身国际境遇的孤立化和边缘化,更是欧洲一体化的逆过程。由于承认的缺失,无公认非国家行为体的地位会在很长的一段时间内保持下去,但从其内部现状及国际影响来看,这不是一个应该鼓励的现象。
      An “unrecognized non state actor” refers to an entity in Europe and Asia which has the characteristics of a state and yet has not been thus internationally recognized under international law. Strongly supported by external forces, it is legally part of, and yet no longer under the jurisdiction of, an internationally recognized nation. Taking Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Kosovo and Northern Cyprus as examples, this paper analyzes the characteristics, reasons of the rise of these actors, and the different degrees of their recognition, and indicates that it is result of the joint effects of ethnic confrontations and intervention of external forces. Marking the deterioration of the instability to international situation, they lead to isolation and marginalization, a reverse process of European integration. Often short of international recognition, they would stay at its present status for a long period of time.In view of their current internal situation and international impact, their occurrence is not something to be encouraged.
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