An Analysis of US Strategic Behavior Model of Security Maintenance since the Cold War: a Case Study of the South China Sea Diplomacy
投稿时间:2016-01-10  修订日期:2016-02-15
中文关键词: 安全护持  霸权护持  制衡  美国亚太安全  美国南海外交
英文关键词: security maintenance  hegemonic maintenance  balancing  America’s Asia-Pacific security  South China Sea
孙灿 南京大学国际关系研究院,南京 ,210023 
钮维敢 中共江苏省委党校国际问题研究中心,南京 ,210009 
摘要点击次数: 2287
全文下载次数: 1455
      The US strategic behavior model since the Cold War follows a hegemonic maintenance beyond the basic analytic framework of international system structure. The US strategic behavior model of security maintenance is a concept induced from the basic analytic framework of international system process. In order to deconstruct that concept to clarify its basic strategic behavior for better understanding, the approach of dimension-based judgment is of great relevance. The strategic behavior of balancing, as defined by Schweller and Mearsheimer, can serve as an analytic foundation, but this balancing model needs to be reconstructed to satisfy the requirement of basic strategic behavior. The best way to reconstruct that concept is to replace its one dimension with multi-dimensions in regard to actors. With changes in the Asia-Pacific security environment since the Cold War, the US strategic behavior model of security maintenance needs modification, and the core of which is the transition of balancing behaviors. The US diplomacy in dealing with South China Sea claimants since the Cold War has confirmed the effectiveness of security maintenance and its transitions.
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