周士新.东盟与亚太安全共同体建设的路径选择[J].国际安全研究,2017,(4):82-102 |
东盟与亚太安全共同体建设的路径选择 |
ASEAN and Pathway 〖KG*9〗Building of Asia Pacific Security Community |
投稿时间:2017-01-21 修订日期:2017-05-31 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 地区安全共同体 东盟政治安全共同体 东亚安全共同体 亚太安全共同体 命运共同体 |
英文关键词: regional security community, ASEAN Political-Security community, East Asian security community, Asia-Pacific security community, community of shared destiny |
基金项目:本文系为国家社科基金重大项目《东南亚安全格局对我实施“21世纪海上丝绸之路”战略的影响研究》(项目号:16ZDA091)的部分成果,并在2016年10月第四届国际安全研究论坛暨“亚太安全共同体理论与实践”学术研讨会上进行了宣读。 |
摘要点击次数: 2031 |
全文下载次数: 1244 |
中文摘要: |
地区安全共同体具有自身的社会学和政治学意涵,体现出地区各国在促进共同体建构的安全意识以及共同安全理念的进化历程和结果,表现为地区国家间对安全议题和环境上的高度认同感,并塑造了相互间友好和平的关系。东盟安全共同体建设是与政治共同体结合在一起的,是以一系列的政策文件为指导,建立了一系列的地区多边安全合作机制,对促进地区稳定与安全发挥了相当独特的作用。然而,东盟安全共同体建设的政策措施和原则的局限性影响了东亚和亚太安全共同体建设进程,使之仍停留在相当初级的建构阶段,未能对增进地区发展与繁荣提供足够有效的和平红利。中国要打造周边命运共同体,只有在继承和创新和平外交理念的过程中,在多方面采取理性而积极的外交政策和倡议,与包括东盟在内的其他行为体共同建构起亚太可持续安全共同体,才能塑造总体有利的周边安全环境。 |
英文摘要: |
The concept of regional security community has its own sociological and political implications that reflect security awareness of regional countries in building a community as well as the evolutionary process and results of the common security concepts. It embodies a strong identity formed on the security issues and environment and a friendly and peaceful relationship between regional countries. ASEAN integrates the building of its security community with the construction of its political community by developing a series of policy documents as its guides and establishing a set of regional multilateral security cooperation mechanisms. ASEAN security community shows very complex and unique properties in the process of promoting regional stability and security. The policies and principles adopted and upheld by ASEAN in building its security community have affected the building process of East Asia and Asia-Pacific security communities, which are still at a fairly primary stage and can’t provide sufficient momentum for boosting regional development and prosperity. This paper argues that China should inherit and innovate its diplomatic concepts of peaceful development, adopt rational and active foreign policies and initiatives on all fronts and build a sustainable Asia-Pacific security community with other actors including ASEAN so as to create a favorable neighboring security environment. |
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