The Health Security Strategy of America and Its Challenges to Global Health Security System
中文关键词: 特朗普政府  全球卫生安全战略  美国优先  新冠肺炎疫情
英文关键词: Trump administration, Global Health Security Strategy, infectious diseases, America First, COVID-19
晋继勇 JIN Jiyong, Associate Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor and Deputy Dean, School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Shanghai International Studies University Shanghai, 200083. 
摘要点击次数: 1883
全文下载次数: 1037
      The 21st century has witnessed an array of serious threats to global health security posed by such emerging and reemerging infectious diseases as COVID-19, Ebola, SARS and H1N1, which makes it an urgent task for the international community to improve global health governance. The Trump administration failed to formulate a specific global health security policy in its early days, although the United States has played an important role in global health security governance. Global Health Security Strategy, first released by the Trump administration in May 2019, was the formal announcement of its global health security policy. Focusing on addressing infectious disease threats, the Strategy adopts a national security-oriented and whole-of-government approach and fully reflects the core tenets of President Trump’s foreign policy doctrine: “burden-sharing”, “America First” and anti-multilateralism. Due to shared vulnerabilities in global health security, all countries have been tied together. Effective global health security governance calls for global multilateralism. Therefore, the national security-oriented Global Health Security Strategy characterized by “America First” policy is not compatible with the realization of global health security. The aforementioned mindset of the Trump administration not only undermines the foundation of international political cooperation necessary for building an effective global health security system, but also exacerbates the financing system of global health security, thus inevitably posing a challenge to the global health security system.
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