Reflections on Theory and Reality of National Security Research
中文关键词: 国家安全及其研究  国家安全与国家发展  国家安全与大国能力  “层化”研究路径
英文关键词: national security and national security research, national security and national development, national security and capacities of major countries, “layered” research paths
王逸舟一 北京大学 北京 100871 
摘要点击次数: 1042
全文下载次数: 1343
      National security research is a complex academic work that requires patient and meticulous analyses. Security is a state of freedom from threats or perceived danger. It is not a kind of isolation or guarantee on a purely physical level. National security has an exceedingly multi-layered and diverse composition with both external attributes and internal components. In the context of globalization and informatization, the definition and maintenance of national security are obviously different from those in former times, thus highlighting the importance of understanding their connections and distinctions. From the historical process of human’s thinking over security, a continuous evolutionary trajectory can be seen to be an important reference for establishing today’s security thoughts, objectives and actions. A better understanding of today’s national security situation in China and that of tomorrow is inseparable from a better absorption of the lessons and experiences of the past. Sorting out research types alone can help identify increasingly diverse exploration paths and tools. The comparison of their respective advantages and disadvantages is conducive to the construction of a balanced and reasonable security research framework that serves to meet the needs of the new era. At the policy level, maintaining a balance between security and development is the pivot point of China’s overall national security, of which particular emphasis should be placed on learning the lessons of some major countries. From an academic point of view, new ways of thinking and research tools, such as “layered” research paths, may help researchers expand more space in their work.
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