Hegemonic Decline and “Pan-Securitization”
中文关键词: 霸权衰落  泛安全化  霸权护持  政治话语叙事
英文关键词: hegemonic decline, pan-securitization, hegemonic maintenance, political discourse/narrative
卢凌宇 云南大学国际关系研究院 昆明 650091 
崔磊 云南大学国际关系研究院 昆明 650091 
摘要点击次数: 516
全文下载次数: 279
      Although all hegemons eventually decline, they neither voluntarily give up their dominant positions in international politics nor do nothing but to wait for the collapse of the hegemonic system. Hegemons in decline still expect to maintain the power gap with the rising powers in order to prolong the lifespan of their hegemony. However, the broad changes in international relations such as power shift have made it difficult for traditional means including offshore balancing and military strikes to take effect. In contrast, “securitization” provides a legal basis for hegemons to maintain their hegemonic status by means of, say, coercive punishment. At the same time, the damage to the core interests of hegemons will trigger their comprehensive suppression activities against other countries in the core and peripheral areas, thereby “expanding” issues and objects concerned. Through “crisis perception”, the declining hegemons present their intentions to maintain their hegemonic status in the form of “pan-securitization”. The empirical facts of the decline of U.S. hegemony show that “pan-securitization” as a means of safeguarding hegemony in the declining stage not only contradicts theoretical expectations, but also yields unsatisfactory results. In the face of the pan-securitized hegemony of the U.S., China should maintain its strategic orientation and firmly stick to the holistic approach to national security.
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