Failure of the “Ballast Effect”: The Realistic Turn Toward Economic Securitization——A Case Study of Sino-American Trade Conflicts and Russia-European Economic Confrontation
中文关键词: 经济安全化  经济压舱石  国家安全  经济相互依赖
英文关键词: economic securitization, “ballast effect”, national security, economic interdependence
高程 中国社会科学院大学国际政治经济学院 北京 100007 
部彦君 同济大学政治与国际关系学院 上海 200092 
摘要点击次数: 210
全文下载次数: 77
      Economic securitization is the process by which a state transforms non-security economic issues into security issues through securitization discourse. When a state perceives that the benefits of economic cooperation may harm its overall gains from power competition, or when political and diplomatic relations between states experience significant shocks or disruptions, the logic of national security will override the logic of economics. In this circumstance, close economic and trade relations between states may not serve as a “ballast” that helps manage conflicts and disagreements but instead become a perceived “security threat”, thus providing certain states with excuses or means to limit or sever bilateral political and economic ties. The economic interdependence between states hence is reduced to a strategic tool for the securitizing state to maintain and expand its power, engage in geopolitical competition, weaken or manipulate other states. This paper aims to examine both Sino-American and Russia-European relations that feature closer economic interdependence. By comparing different dynamics in economic securitization behind these relations, this paper analyzes the logic of choice behind the turn toward economic securitization and offers insights into how China can better respond to the challenges of economic securitization and more effectively utilize the “ballast effect” of economic relations.
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