Page 159 - 国际安全研究2019年第4期
P. 159

Vo1. 37, No. 4,  July/August 2019


            3   Understanding the Behavioral Radicalization of Terrorists: An Integrated
               Analytic Framework

               ZENG Xianghong and CHEN Kerui

               [Abstract] In the current analysis of terrorist radicalization, controversies still prevail
               over two issues: “whether the radicalization  of terrorists follows a path of linear
               development” and “whether the differentiation between ideological radicalization
               and behavioral radicalization is necessary”. This has led to a confused understanding
               of terrorist radicalization. Based on the non-linear structural  model and the
               ideology/behavior dichotomy, this paper intends to construct an integrated analytic
               framework to differentiate and integrate the push, pull and mediating factors in
               empirical researches on the behavioral radicalization of terrorists. The push factors
               have manifested themselves in such negative emotions of individuals or groups as
               loss of control, anxiety, humiliation, discontent and resentment. The pull factors are
               synonymous with the extremist ideologies propagated by terrorist organizations such
               as “jihad”, “rebuilding the Islamic Caliphate” and “the apocalyptic war”. In addition,
               the interpersonal networks, virtual networks and  mass  media play important
               intermediary  roles in the  behavioral radicalization. Understanding the behavioral
               radicalization of terrorists bears great theoretical and  practical implications.
               Theoretically speaking, the root causes  of terrorism can be further explored.
               Practically speaking, it can greatly improve the effectiveness of global governance
               of terrorism through an integrated model which includes three perspectives: negative
               emotions, ideologies and networks/mass media.
               [Keywords] terrorism, radicalization, behavioral radicalization, integrated analytic
               framework, integrated governance
               [Authors] ZENG Xianghong, Vice Dean of the School of Politics and International
               Relations, Professor of Institute for Central Asian Studies, Lanzhou University;
               CHEN  Kerui, M.  A. Student, School  of Politics and International Relations,
               Lanzhou University (Lanzhou, 730000).

          30   On the Social Deconstruction of Terrorism

               LIU Le

               [Abstract]  As an extreme deconstructive force, the threats  and harm posed by
               terrorism to the international order lie not  only in undermining the security and
               stability  of the international community  by creating vicious incidents but also in

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