任 晓,李燕星.向人回归:中国的“人的安全”路径[J].国际安全研究,2014,(3):37-51
A Return to People: China’s Approach to Human Security
投稿时间:2013-12-20  修订日期:2014-01-17
中文关键词: 人的安全  以人为本  中国路径
英文关键词: human security, China’s Approach, putting people first
任 晓 复旦大学中国外交研究中心,上海 上海 200433 
李燕星 上海浦东图书馆,上海 上海 201204 
摘要点击次数: 1809
全文下载次数: 1611
      This article explores China’s idea of “putting people first” and its approach to human security. The concept of human security puts emphasis on safety and welfare of the ordinary people, and their dignity and happiness as human beings. It has thus become a new part of the research and policy agendas. Since its invention, “human security” as a term has been used and discussed in China’s academic community, but seldom used by the government. The feature of China’s approach is a kind of human security thinking and practice without the name of “human security”. Nevertheless, the essence of human security is reflected in China’s domestic and foreign policies and has become embedded in its security thinking along with the domestic policy changes to “putting people first”. In the Chinese context, though the doctrine of “people-first” may not be the perfect equivalent of human security, it indicates that, while dealing with the internal and external security-related issues, more and more importance is attached to personal security. Rather than being receptive to the term “human security” per se, China erected the security (and happiness) of people as the guidance for its policies. The two – “putting people first” and human security – are interlinked and consistent in spirit.
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