【丹麦】李 形,张久安.中欧博弈新常态与国际安全格局转型[J].国际安全研究,2015,(2):81-99
New Normalcy of China-European Competition the Transformation of International Security Order
中文关键词: 新常态  中欧博弈  国际安全  相互依存主导  国际社会化  规范重塑  制度建设
英文关键词: New normalcy  China-Europe competition  international security  interdependent hegemony  international socialization  norm re-shaping  system re-building
【丹麦】李 形 丹麦奥尔堡大学 Aalborg University, Denmark 
张久安 北京师范大学政府管理学院 北京 100875 
摘要点击次数: 1982
全文下载次数: 1910
      China and Europe are becoming a focal spot for global political, economic and security competition. With the rise of China and other emerging powers, the international order is undergoing transformative changes in terms of the balance of power. Accordingly, security competition between China and Europe is moving towards a situation of “new normalcy”. Hence, it is of great importance to Chinese foreign policy 1) to correctly grasp the new normalcy in China-Europe major power relations; and 2) to deal with the impact of China-Europe security competition on the development course of international security order. By reviewing the historical China-Europe security competition and its current predicaments, this article intends to provide a framework for understanding China-Europe “soft competition” (soft gameplay) and “hardcore conflicts” (hard gameplay) in the areas of norms, values and systems of international security order in an era of transformation of the world hegemonic structure. Through the lens of the combination of the two theories – interdependent hegemony and state socialization – the paper analyzes the new state of normalcy between the two sides, and proposes an approach to leading the new normalcy in China-Europe security competition towards a process of constructing a new major power relationship and reshaping international security norms and rebuilding international security structure and institution.
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