Language Habits and Security Dilemmas: Thinking beyond Materialism and Rationalism
投稿时间:2015-10-08  修订日期:2015-11-22
中文关键词: 言语习惯  安全困境  物质主义  理性主义
英文关键词: language habit, security dilemma, materialism, rationalism
基金项目:本文系“外交学院2015年度学生科研创新基金项目成果”和“中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目成果”,项目编号ZY2015YA22。本文在撰写过程中得到外交学院孙吉胜教授、美国哥伦比亚大学罗伯特·杰维斯(Robert Jervis)教授的指导以及《国际安全研究》编辑老师和匿名审稿专家的宝贵意见和建议,特此感谢,作者文责自负。2016年第1期
袁莎 外交学院国际政治专业 北京 邮编:100037 
摘要点击次数: 2157
全文下载次数: 1562
      In the present anarchical international situation, security seeking actors often find themselves trapped in “security dilemmas”. What stands out according the existing International Relations scholarship is the fact that the material acts that rational actors adopt for material security often lead to deterioration of their own security. However, neither the materialist nor the rationalist theory is adequate in explaining real world security dilemmas: on one hand, conflicts may arise out of speech acts and material acts; on the other hand, a large part of acts derive from habits rather than rationality. This paper hereby attempts to go beyond the materialist and rationalist framework and approach the mechanism of security dilemmas from the perspective of language habits. It is argued in here that security seeking actors form specific language habits, and speaking and acting out of these language habits will in turn cause other actors to feel insecure and resort to security measures, thus worsening the original actors’ security. Taking the Cold War as a case study, this paper also demonstrates how language habits had the U.S. and U.S.S.R. trapped in a security dilemma. The recognition of the existence and importance of language habits not only enriches studies of security dilemma, but also urges international actors to review, modify and improve their own language habits and those of others, so as to free oneself from security dilemmas and enjoy the relief of a security community.
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