“Dispatching Troops and Withdrawing Troops” and the Realization of Russia’s Geopolitical Goals in Syria
中文关键词: 俄罗斯  叙利亚危机  出兵  撤兵  地缘政治目标
英文关键词: Russia, Syria, dispatching troops, withdrawing troops, geopolitical goals
马建光 Professor, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Director of Center for International Studies, National University of Defense Technology
LI Youren, M.A. Student, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, National University of Defense Technology Changsha 410021. 
李佑任 Professor, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Director of Center for International Studies, National University of Defense Technology
LI Youren, M.A. Student, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, National University of Defense Technology Changsha 410021. 
摘要点击次数: 1419
全文下载次数: 1151
      It was in the fifth year after the outbreak of Syria crisis that Russia formally sent troops to Syria and became an important force in fighting against the Islamic State. Through military actions, Russia successfully prevented the spread of terrorist activities, enhanced its international influence and gained a strategic advantage in the Middle East. At present, conflicts among different groups remain complex and multi lateral forces continue their in-depth game playing. Russia announced the withdrawal of troops from Syria twice and demonstrated its “smart power” in a military and diplomatic linkage mechanism. Thanks to its ingenious maneuvers, Russia was able to gain strategic dividends and attain part of its defined geopolitical goals. However, Russia’s prolonged involvement in Syria’s geopolitical competition with the United States and the West has undoubtedly become a heavy burden on the country’s rejuvenation. The lasting unrest in Syria and in-depth intervention of external major powers made it impossible for Russia to completely withdraw from Syria. Scrambling for the dominance and international discourse power centered on Syria and the Middle East will be repeatedly staged among major powers. As Putin is at the helm of the state in his fourth term of presidency, Russia will still face severe challenges in addressing the Syrian crisis, breaking down Western sanctions and revitalizing its national economy. Therefore, Putin and the elites of Russia are supposed to explore and come up with “new ideas” to tackle these problems.
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