Internal Armed Conflicts in an Extraterritorial Context: A Strategic Interaction Perspective
中文关键词: 内战  叛乱资助  反政府武装越境  强制行动  策略互动
英文关键词: civil conflict, insurgent funding, insurgents’ border transgression, coercion, strategic interactions
杨辰博 深圳大学社会科学学院 深圳 518060 
摘要点击次数: 1262
全文下载次数: 946
      Anti-government armed forces crossing national borders to carry out resistance operations pose a tremendous threat to regional security. The externalization of internal conflicts has become a hot topic among researches in the field of international security. With regard to the extraterritorial context of internal armed conflicts, this paper aims to analyze the strategic interaction pattern among the target state, the insurgents and the host state by establishing a game theory model. The extraterritorial context of internal conflicts can sabotage both domestic stability of the target state and regional security. The game theory model developed by this paper tries to illustrate conflict risks in an extraterritorial context by focusing on strategic moves of the target state, the host state and the insurgents. When information asymmetry exists between the insurgents and the host state, strategic interactions will lead to several possible scenarios in regard to situations of armed conflicts and the bilateral relationship between the target state and the host state. The model tries to delineate possible conditions for different conflict dynamics. It is generally argued that the conditional factors include 1) the capacity of the host state to exert influence on insurgents’ behavior, 2) the ability of the target state to prevent the insurgents from receiving support from the host state, and 3) the extent of interdependence between the target state and the host state. The fact that the externalization of internal conflicts are interwoven with state-to-state hostility poses extra challenges for peacekeeping operations and the mediation efforts exerted by regional security mechanisms. Relevant states as well as international security institutions are supposed to discern the particular strategic context of each conflict, which contributes to the creation of long-term peacekeeping programmes.
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