“Near Enemy” or “Far Enemy”: Disputes among Islamic Extremists
中文关键词: 伊斯兰极端主义  伊斯兰恐怖主义  赛义德.库特布  马克迪西  阿布.慕斯阿德.苏里  远敌  近敌
英文关键词: Islamic extremism, Islamic terrorism, Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi, Sayyed Qutb, Abu Mus’ab al-Suri
摘要点击次数: 1483
全文下载次数: 1356
      Although both the “far enemy” represented by the western world and the “near enemy” represented by “Kufr” governments in the Arab-Islamic world are “mortal enemies” of Islamic extremists, which enemy should be the priority target of strike has become one of the heatedly debated issues among Islamic extremists. The answer to this question largely determines the concrete strategic practices of Islamic extremist organizations. On the one hand, the Islamic extremists who advocate the “far-enemy priority” consider the individuals and interests of the United States and other western countries in the Arab world the focus of their attack, try to infiltrate into the western world and watch for an opportunity to launch massive terrorist attacks in due course so as to facilitate the downfall of Islamic “Kufr” governments, prompt Muslims to “awaken” and then create a “Caliphate” in the Islamic world. On the other hand, other Islamic extremists believe that it is of overarching importance to target and overthrow the “Kufr” governments in the Arab-Islamic world and facilitate the establishment of an “Islamic State” by plotting terrorist attacks and seizing political power through violent activities and chaos. Different opinions concerning the prioritization of “near enemy” and “far enemy” stem from diametrically different political logic followed by varied Islamic extremist organizations. Therefore, the analysis of their strategic line of thinking will be conducive to a better understanding of the political logic and ideologies of Islamic extremists and will shed some light on the international community in their grappling with the ideologies and practices of Islamic extremist organizations.
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