Rethinking the Co-Ethnicity Advantages in Counter-Insurgency: A Case Study on India’s Handling of Sikh Insurgency
中文关键词: 族群冲突  同族群平叛优势  温和派  锡克叛乱
英文关键词: ethnic conflicts, co-ethnicity advantages, moderates, Sikh insurgency
谢超 XIE Chao, Assistant Research Fellow, Institute for International and Area Studies, Tsinghua University Beijing, 100084. 
摘要点击次数: 1574
全文下载次数: 965
      This paper argues that all parties in ethnic minority-related insurgency movements and counter-insurgency (COIN) operations can stand an equal chance to take co-ethnicity advantages, making full use of local environments, human intelligence and public mobilization. In order to undermine, neutralize or prevail over insurgent groups, the government should opt for a counter-insurgency strategy that gives full play to the moderate factions. The working mechanism lies in developing better control over the local population and winning the hearts and minds of the local people. When the government is able to control a large proportion of the local people, it becomes difficult for the insurgent groups to recruit enough people to replenish their member losses in COIN. While winning the local hearts and minds doesn’t necessarily lead to the demise of insurgent groups, the counter-insurgency operations are doomed to fail without the support from the locals. This paper identifies four COIN strategies based on whether the local moderates have a leadership position in COIN operations and whether they can take full advantage of their position of strength vis-à-vis insurgent groups, and thus establishes a framework to explore and evaluate their effectiveness in using co-ethnicity advantages. With a case study on the Sikh insurgency movement around the 1980s, the paper intends to demonstrate how the Indian government, moderate factions and insurgent groups adjusted their strategies at different stages and the impacts and outcomes of these adjustments.
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