Digital Technology Competition and East Asian Security Order
中文关键词: 数字技术竞争  数字时代  安全秩序  东亚安全  中美关系
英文关键词: digital technology competition, digital age, security order, East Asia, Sino-U.S. relations
孙学峰 清华大学国际关系研究院 北京 100084 
摘要点击次数: 821
全文下载次数: 676
      The first two decades of the 21st century has witnessed in East Asia the emergence of a security order characterized by hedging. Specifically, heightened tensions in China-US strategic competition have not led to an arms race and bloc confrontation. Other East Asian countries, meanwhile, manage to maintain a balance rather than completely take sides between China and the US. However, as the world advances into the digital era, the US has been persisting in its efforts since 2018 to constrain the strength and global influence of China’s digital technology. Relying on technological advantages and alliance networks, the US set out to constrain China through expanding its security protection scope from the physical space to the digital space. Responding to such US efforts to transform its security system, China and most other East Asian countries still opt for the hedging approach. In other words, the East Asian security order continues to be characterized by the hedging pattern as it enters the digital era. The continuity of a hedging order can be explained by two factors. First, for East Asian countries, security threats in the physical space are still their primary concerns, which also has significant impact on their perception of security threats in the digital space. Second, the US’s capability advantage and its policy choices generate feelings of uncertainty among those countries seeking US protection in the digital space. Strategic hedging, thus, is the choice most conducive to maximizing national interests of these countries. These findings can not only help deepen our theoretical understanding of the regional/international order transformation in the digital era, but highlight the policy implications for managing China-US strategic competition in the digital era.
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