How Can Security Institutions Divide a Rival Alliance?
中文关键词: 联盟  楔子战略  物质型楔子战略  理念型楔子战略  欧洲安全与合作会议
英文关键词: alliance, wedge strategy, material wedge strategy, concept-based wedge strategy, CSCE
魏冰 清华大学国际关系学系 北京 100084 
摘要点击次数: 402
全文下载次数: 548
      Dividing a rival alliance is an important way to change the balance of power between states. Around the concept of “wedge strategy,” the existing studies have systematically discussed the ways and mechanisms of dividing a rival alliance, and specifically proposed two main types of “wedge strategy”: “reward-based wedge strategy” (splitting the adversaries with carrots) and “coercive wedge strategy” (splitting the adversaries through heavy pressure), both of which emphasize the use of material forces to divide a rival alliance and hence can be collectively referred to as “material wedge strategy.” Apart from this, given that competitive security concepts constitute the kernel of alliances and some states may prefer cooperative security policies in certain periods of time to avoid conflicts and reduce costs, the dividing state can use differentiated cooperation concepts as the breakthrough point to realize the conceptual differentiation of the rival alliance, which can be summarized as “concept-based wedge strategy.” The “concept-based wedge strategy” aims to weaken the target state’s perception of the value and efficacy of the alliance by influencing and changing its security concepts, thereby indirectly inducing alienation from the alliance. When the dividing state does not pose a serious threat to the target state, and has a strong voice in the security issues concerned by the target state that holds similar policy positions with some third-party states on these security issues, the dividing state may adopt the “concept-based wedge strategy” to weaken and dissolve the rival alliance. Security institutions serve as a main platform for the implementation of the “concept-based wedge strategy” and can be used by the dividing state to propose cooperative security initiatives or cooperative solutions to the security issues that the target state attaches importance to, so as to provide alternative security means for the target state, thus weakening the strategic value of the alliance state and lowering the cooperation level within the rival alliance. The Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) put forward by the Soviet Union during the Cold War is a concrete practice of “concept-based wedge strategy”.
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