Analysis of Pan-Securitization in the Context of the Weaponization of Interdependence: A Case Study of U.S. Technological Competition with China
中文关键词: 相互依存武器化  泛安全化  中美关系  科技竞争
英文关键词: weaponized interdependence, pan-securitization, U.S.-China relations, technological competition
丁泰夫 外交学院外交学与外事管理系 北京 邮编 100037 
高飞 外交学院外交学与外事管理系 北京 邮编 100037 
摘要点击次数: 771
全文下载次数: 602
      As the weaponization of interdependence has unfolded in its theoretical and practical dimensions, there has been a dramatic shift in the perception of interdependence in a number of States. In the era of the weaponization of interdependence, the primary objective of States is not to make sure how to benefit from interdependence, but to ensure how to avoid losses from interdependence. The weaponization of interdependence has exacerbated security environments. Under the influence of the profound uncertainties in the international order, States have developed pan-securitized threat perceptions and deepened policy dilemmas in their pan-securitization practice. The U.S. technological competition with China is a typical case of the weaponization of interdependence. Beginning with the Obama administration, through the Trump and Biden administrations, the perception of pan-securitization has been formed and developed. The pan-securitization practice of the U.S. in its technological competition with China includes extremely broad import and export controls and investment review, unprecedented institutional reforms and industrial policy adjustments, as well as an all-encompassing multidimensional network of alliances and partners. Driven by the weaponization of interdependence, the Obama, Trump and Biden administrations have constantly strengthened their perception of pan-securitization and intensified technological competition with China by upgrading such means as “decoupling”, “small courtyard with a high fence” and “de-risking”, which constitutes the main line of U.S. strategic competition with China. Interdependence has a dual effect. The trade and technology war launched by the U.S. has jeopardized its own security and the stability of the global supply chain, not only dragging the U.S. into a technological, economic and alliance predicament, but also hindering the process of globalization and making the world slide into the danger of cold war confrontation. The U.S. policies that go against the trend of the era will eventually end up in failure.
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