A Ten-Year Review of Theoretical Research on National Security since the Proposal of the Holistic Approach to National Security
中文关键词: 总体国家安全观  国家安全学  中国特色安全理论  回顾与展望
英文关键词: holistic approach to national security, national security studies, security theory with Chinese characteristics, review and outlook of theoretical research
李文良 国际关系学院国家安全学院公共管理系 北京 100091 
摘要点击次数: 430
全文下载次数: 195
      The theoretical study of national security in the Chinese academic community can be traced back to the 1990s. In 2014, after the holistic approach to national security was put forward, the theoretical study of national security began to have a basic guideline to follow, marking its entry into a new era. In 2024, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the proposal of the holistic approach to national security, national security studies in Chinese academia have formed a new pattern of taking the holistic approach to national security as the guide, the theoretical research on national security as the main task, and the independent exploration of China’s localized theoretical system of national security as the goal. The connotations of the holistic approach to national security have been constantly enriched and deepened with the research object of national security and the positioning of the discipline being increasingly clarified, the localization of theories of national security being further manifested, the theoretical construction of national security being significantly improved, and the construction of national security studies as a first-level discipline being steadily advanced. China is currently facing unprecedented security challenges, which requires the theoretical research on national security to rise to the occasion and make its due historical contribution. Therefore, China’s academic community needs to do “deep” theoretical research on national security in order to expand its depth, do “specialized” theoretical research on national security in order to broaden its breadth and do “instrumental” theoretical research on national security to highlight its effectiveness.
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