黄琪轩,李文见.统筹发展和安全中的“民参军”[J].国际安全研究,2025,(1):4-29 |
统筹发展和安全中的“民参军” |
Coordinating Development and Security through Civil Participation in Military Innovation——Post-World War II Technology Development Models of Major Powers and Their Implications |
修订日期:2024-12-04 |
DOI:10.14093/j.cnki.cn10-1132/d.2025.01.001 |
中文关键词: 统筹发展和安全 技术发展模式 军民融合 民参军 |
英文关键词: coordinating development and security, technology development model, civil-military integration, civil participation in military innovation |
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摘要点击次数: 237 |
全文下载次数: 63 |
中文摘要: |
促进发展和维护安全是世界各国追求的两项重要目标,而技术的军民融合则是连接发展和安全的重要纽带。二战后,苏联、日本与美国的军民融合实践,分别代表了“旋转耗散”“旋转上升”“旋转下降”以及“旋转环绕”四种大国技术发展模式。这四种模式的不同成效表明,要成功地实现军民技术融合,统筹发展和安全,关键在于“民参军”。“民参军”为军用技术提供了负反馈的制约、互补能力的积累以及持续的资金来源。苏联的困境在于缺乏“民参军”,大量军用技术难以外溢到民用部门,最终导致军用部门也缺乏持续的资金支持。日本的经验是技术从民用部门扩散到军用部门,民用部门推动了军民两用技术的发展。20世纪80年代前的美国,服务安全的军用技术逐步外溢到服务发展的民用部门;在此之后,军用技术与民用技术相互渗透,交叉影响。二战后大国技术的发展模式及军民技术融合的成败为中国推动军民融合、统筹发展和安全提供了重要借鉴。 |
英文摘要: |
Promoting development and maintaining security are two critical objectives pursued by states worldwide, and the military-civilian integration of technology serves as a vital link between development and security. After World War II, the military-civilian integration practices of the Soviet Union, Japan, and the United States represent four distinctive models of major-power technology development, namely “spin-away”, “spin-on”, “spin-off” and “spin-around”. Through a comparative historical analysis, this paper has demonstrated that the key to successfully realizing military-civilian integration and coordinating development and security fundamentally lies in “civil participation in military innovation”. Such participation provides essential “negative feedback” constraints, accumulation of complementary capabilities and sustainable sources of funding for military technology. The technology development model of the Soviet Union faced challenges due to its insufficient civil participation, which hindered the transfer of military technology to the civilian sector, leading to a lack of sustained funding for its military innovation. In contrast, Japan’s practices illustrate how technology can be diffused from the civilian sector to the military sector, and how civilian enterprises can drive the development of dual-use technologies. In the United States, prior to the 1980s, military technologies designed to enhance security gradually spilled over into the civilian sector for economic development. Henceforward, military and civilian technologies have become increasingly intertwined. The successes and failures of major powers’ technology development models and the military-civilian integration in the post-war context offer valuable lessons for China when it seeks to promote military-civilian integration and coordinate development and security. |
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