苏若林,汪嘉妍.全球安全倡议与冲突调停的方式创新[J].国际安全研究,2025,(1):30-53 |
全球安全倡议与冲突调停的方式创新 |
The Global Security Initiative and the Innovative Approaches in China’s Conflict Mediation Efforts |
修订日期:2024-12-08 |
DOI:10.14093/j.cnki.cn10-1132/d.2025.01.002 |
中文关键词: 冲突调停 冲突管理 全球安全倡议 全球安全治理 |
英文关键词: conflict mediation, conflict management, Global Security Initiative, global security governance |
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摘要点击次数: 236 |
全文下载次数: 61 |
中文摘要: |
当今世界和平赤字与安全赤字加剧,地区冲突频发,传统安全与非传统安全风险交织,热点地区的冲突管控成为国际社会共同面临的难题。而调停作为冲突管理的重要方式,在二战后被越来越多地应用于实践中。以美国为代表的西方国家在冲突调停领域有较长的实践历史,也有较为丰富的成功案例,形成了既有的调停方式。但是,伴随当前冲突复杂性的进一步加强,美国的传统调停方式因其缺乏中立性、威逼利诱并存和灵活性不足等弊端面临巨大的现实挑战。近年来,中国积极参与热点地区的调停工作,不断探索中国特色的热点问题解决之道,担当大国责任,为推动冲突的和平解决贡献中国力量。中国的调停方案与实践呈现出坚持多边主义与国际民主、秉持立场中立与不干涉内政原则、将冲突调停与发展援助相结合、坚持对话与和平方式解决争端以及推动灵活务实的渐进式调停的特点,很好地体现了全球安全倡议的核心理念,是对全球安全倡议的具体落实,也是一种具有中国智慧的国际安全模式探索。 |
英文摘要: |
In today’s world, the deteriorating global peace and security deficits, the rising frequency of regional conflicts and the growing convergence of traditional and non-traditional security risks have become more pronounced. Conflict management in hotspot areas has emerged as a shared challenge for the international community. Mediation, one of the most important methods of conflict management, has been increasingly applied to practice after World War II. Western countries, represented by the United States, have a long history of practicing conflict mediation and have thus accumulated a rich repertoire of successful cases and formed relatively mature mediation approaches. However, considering the increasing complexity of current world conflicts, the traditional mediation approaches adopted by the United States are facing significant challenges due to its lack of neutrality and flexibility, as well as its heavy reliance on coercive tactics. In recent years, China has actively participated in mediation in hotspot areas, and continuously explored different ways to resolve conflicts with approaches bearing Chinese characteristics. It has successfully assumed the responsibility of a major country in contributing strength to advancing peaceful solutions to various conflicts. China’s mediation programs and practices are characterized by the commitment to multilateralism and international democracy, adherence to the principles of neutrality and non-interference in other countries’ internal affairs, integration of conflict mediation with development assistance, emphasis on constructive dialogues and peaceful resolutions to disputes, and promotion of flexible, pragmatic, and gradual mediation approaches. These efforts have effectively embodied the core concepts of the Global Security Initiative, its concrete pathways for implementation, and further exploration of an international security model infused with Chinese wisdom. |
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