Technology Hawks, National Security and the U.S. Strategic Competition against China
中文关键词: 技术鹰派  国家安全  中美关系  技术—安全复合体  国家创新生态
英文关键词: technology hawks, national security, U.S.-China relations, technology-security complex, national innovation ecosystem
赵明昊 复旦大学美国研究中心 上海 220433 
摘要点击次数: 261
全文下载次数: 93
      Against the backdrop of the technological revolution and geopolitical confrontations overlapping each other, the technological factors shaping international relations, especially those among major powers, have become more prominent. The link between the technological community and national security strategy-making has become increasingly relevant. In recent years, the U.S. has been intensifying its “technological cold war” against China, paralleling its increasing pressure on China across the political, economic, military ideological and global governance spectrums. The U.S. technology enterprises, venture capital institutions and other social forces work closely with the U.S. national security agencies, gradually giving birth to a group of technology hawks including elites in the business, political and academic circles who believe that the U.S. needs to firmly defend its technological leadership, accelerate the decoupling process, and curb China’s technological development. In order to outcompete China in the tech race, the U.S. government has expedited the development of a national security innovation network. As a result, the cooperation between high-tech enterprises and government agencies like the Department of Defense (DoD), the Department of State (DoS), and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has deepened, making the national security orientation of the U.S. innovation ecosystem more prominent. Advancing the technology competition with China has become the consensus of the U.S. Republican and Democratic parties. Considering the support of the U.S. technological elites for Donald Trump, the technological pressure placed on China may be further strengthened, and technology hawks will exert more influence upon U.S.-China relations in the second Trump presidency.
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