US Military Climate Change Risks Management and Its Behavioral Logic under the Trump Administration
中文关键词: 气候安全  气候变化  气候风险  美国军方  特朗普政府
英文关键词: climate security, climate change risks, the US military, the US Department of Defense
赵行姝 Associate Research Fellow, Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Beijing 100720 
摘要点击次数: 1413
全文下载次数: 1039
      Under the Obama administration, the US national security community has reached a rough consensus on climate change, that is, climate change has posed potential threats to national security of the United States. Together with the deepened understanding of the correlation between climate change and national security, the US security system has gradually begun to incorporate climate change factor into its strategic planning and daily practice. After Donald Trump came into office, the climate element in the US security policy-making has neither been removed nor even reduced. On the contrary, it has been reinforced in some ways or to some extent. However, the intensified trend has undergone new changes which are highlighted by the following two perspectives. First, the US military has shifted its focus on climate change from long-term threats to immediate threats, from indirect threats to direct threats and from global disasters to specific damages. Second, the US military’s approach to climate change has shifted from laying equal stress on both mitigation and adaptation to focusing mainly on adaptation. These changes are not only based on realistic calculations of security interests by the US military, but also result from the internal contradictions and reconciliations among US policy-makers. In the future, it is expected that the US military’s climate policy process will continue. Nevertheless, whether the US military’s climate policy will generate “spillover” effects and then influence the decision-making of the federal government will invariably depend on the game between the White House and the Congress.
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