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Vo1. 36, No. 5, November/December 2018

                          Table of Contents (2018)

               [1.4] The Historical Construction of a New Security Pattern in Asia
                                                                            WANG Yajun
               [1.9] China’s Dilemmas  in Northeast Asia: The Strategic Security Situations of
                     China’s Relations with Japan, ROK, and DPRK             SHI Yinhong
               [1.29] Dual Coordination: Formulating China’s Periphery Security Strategy
                                                                            LING Shengli
               [1.53] Nuclear Weapons and Deterrence in the Post-Western World Order
                                                                             Barry Buzan
               [1.73] The Nuclear Ban Treaty: What Would Follow?        George Perkovich
               [1.89] Do We Really Have the Nuclear Taboo?                JIANG Tianjiao
               [1.107] The Flowing and Returning  Foreign Terrorist Fighters’ Threat: A Case
                       Study of Central Asia and Russia            LI Jie and YONG Tong
               [1.130] The Correlation Study between the  “U”-type Identity and Types of
                       Terrorist Organizations in the Islamic World          JIANG Peng
               [2.3] Nature of Issues, Threat Perception, Common Interests and “Cooperative
                     Security”                              YANG Shu and WANG Shusen
               [2.23] Reshaping “Certainty” of International Security in the Age of    “Uncertainty”:
                      A Strategic Agenda                                    GE Hongliang
               [2.49] Arms Control of Autonomous Weapons in the Context of Global Security
                      Governance                                             LIU Yangyue
               [2.72] Armed UAVs  and Warfare Changes: A Study from the Perspective of
                      Socio-technological System                              LIU Shucai
               [2.91]  Japan’s  Strengthened Security  Strategy  and the Security Situation in
                      Northeast Asia                                       MENG Xiaoxu
               [2.117] Mitigating Northeast Asia’s Security Dilemma with the Belt and  Road
                       Initiative: the Feasibility and Pathway           WANG Junsheng
               [2.132] The US Erosion and Weakening of the International Nuclear Order
                                                                         WANG Zhengda
               [3.3] Realistic Logic and Ultimate Value of Political Security  in Contemporary
                     China                                                  MA Zhenchao
               [3.23] US Military Climate Change Risks Management and Its Behavioral Logic
                      under the Trump Administration                      ZHAO Xingshu
               [3.42] Analysis of the Effects of Climate Change on Water Resources Security in
                      Qinghai-Tibet Plateau                                      Li Zhifei
               [3.64] Human Security  Governance under the  2030 Agenda for Sustainable
                      Development                                           DONG Liang
               [3.82] “Say No to Decline” and “American Fortification”: Trump’s Grand Strategy
                                                                             GE Hanwen
               [3.101]“Dispatching Troops and Withdrawing Troops” and the Realization of
                       Russia’s Geopolitical Goals in Syria   MA Jianguang and LI Youren

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