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The Seminar on “Security Diplomacy: Territorial Disputes and Governance” Held in Beijing

发布时间:2017年01月13日        点击数量:611


On July 2nd, the international seminar on “ Security Diplomacy: Territorial Disputes and Governance” was held in Beijing by the editorial office, Journal of International Security Studies, University of International Relations (UIR). About 150 distinguished scholars from home and abroad have attended the conference, with international participants from countries such as USA, France, Denmark, Norway, Russia, Japan, India and Pakistan, while their Chinese counterparts are from various domestic universities and institutes.



Publication of Index of International Security Situation Awareness(IISSA)


Wu Hui, vice president of University of International Relations (UIR), presided over the opening ceremony, while Tao Jian, the UIR president, spoke on behalf of the university to welcome all the delegates. Mr.Tao pointed out that security diplomacy is an important instrument for implementation of foreign policies. The very purpose of security diplomacy is to properly solve such traditional security problems as territorial disputes, and promote more participation into plural governance and global affairs in an in-depth and sustained way. On behalf of the editorial board of International Security Studies, he expressed the appreciation to all participants and their institutions for their full support to the journal and its English edition.


Tao Jian, President of UIR addressed the seminar. 


 Wu Hui, Vice President of UIR made a speech.


After the opening ceremony, the editorial office of International Security Studies, and the School of International Relations affiliated to University of International Business and Economics, jointly held a publication conference of IISSA (the ranking index of international security situation awareness), which was independently established and published on security issues by Chinese institutions on the basis of large -scale and multi-dimensional data analysis. By applying big data and cloud computing into international relations and diplomatic decision making, IISSA promotes discourse system construction in Chinese academic circles and helps to break the western monopoly. Dai Changzheng, dean of the School of International Relations affiliated to University of International Business and Economics(UIBE), said that in 2014, “big data research center for international relations ” was established in his university. In 2015, the editorial office of International Security Studies joined in and together they formed a new joint team, committing to the research and publication of IISSA. IISSA is featured with new methodology, mastery of core technology, large quantities of samples collected, and extensive participation. Dong Qingling, associate professor of the School of International Relations, UIBE, introduced the raw material, data collection and computation method to those present. Lin Hongyu, dean of the Department of International Politics, UIR, pointed out the following four features of publication of IISSA. Firstly from global perspective, the world security situation is not very reassuring; secondly Europe is the safest compared to others; Thirdly DPRK nuclear issue is the most important one in Northeast Asia; Fourthly, countries along “the belt and road” are relatively safe. The eastern and central Europe has the highest security index while south Asia is confronted with the highest risk.


DAI Changzheng, Dean at the School of International Relations,

University of International Business and Economics, addressed at the forum


Lin Hongyu, Dean of Department of International Politics summarized the features of IISSA


Scholars participating in the seminar discussed such topics as “Theory and Practice of Security Diplomacy”, “Territorial Conflict and Construction of International Security Order” and “Transnational Security Issues and Global Governance”. They shared their views on the following hot topics: the relation between the traditional security and the global governance, the different perspective of China and US on the global governance, the definition and characteristics of maritime security diplomacy, territorial disputes, alliance influence on the domestic and international orders, and the impact of terrorism proliferation on global governance. China-EU relations are analyzed from the trans-Atlantic perspective. They also discussed the multi-trends of the latent Mid-Asia non-traditional security issues as well as China’s maritime security and diplomatic development tendency inthe South China Sea.


Liu Debin, Dean of the School of Public Diplomacy, Assistant President of Jilin University, presided over the free disscusions


In-depth discussions by experts


 Professor Liu Debin, assistant to the president of Jilin University, and dean of College of Public Diplomacy presided over the free discussion. Scholars conducted heated discussions on the theme of this conference and their speeches were characterized by academic equality, confrontation of views, and thought contention, providing inspirations for their forthcoming researches.

At the end of the meeting, Vice President Liu Hui delivered a speech, pointing out that the whole day’s discussion had yielded the expected results, which will promote the China academia research on security diplomacy theory and practice and accelerate the process of global security governance featuring joint construction, mutual sharing and win-win results.

International Security Studies will continue to be an important platform for scholars and experts to conduct in-depth discussion on various security topics, theories and strategies.

This International academic forum was held continuously for three years by the Editorial Office, Journal of International Security Studies affiliated to UIR, with support from Party Committee Administration Office, Party Publicity Office, Logistic Service Office, Foreign Affairs Office, School of Foreign Studies, and Scientific Research Office. It has become the limelight of academic activities held annually by UIR.