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The 7th International Political Economics Forum (IPEF) Held

发布时间:2017年01月13日        点击数量:409

The 7th International Political Economics Forum (IPEF), jointly held by Qinghai Academy Social Sciences, Institute of World Economics and Politics affiliated to China Academy of Social Sciences, University of International Relations (UIR), opened on August, 4th, 2016 in Xining. Nearly one hundred specialists and experts from more than 30 universities and institutes attended the forum and submitted their papers. Universities and institutes are as follows: China Social Science Academy, China Center for International Studies, Beijing University, University of Foreign Affairs, Party School of CPC, Renming University, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing Language and Culture University, Capital University of Economics and Business, University of International Business and Economics, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Qinghai Nationalities University, Fujian Academy of Social Sciences, Guangdong Institute for International Strategies, Qinghai Belt and Road Research Center and various Qinghai universities and institutes.


Scholars and experts attending forum discussed and exchanged their in-depth views extensively on such themes as “Marxism Political economics and IPE Academic Development”, “IPE and International Security”, “The Belt and Road and China’s Strategy”, “IPE and Global Governance” ,“IPE and Development” , “The Belt and Road and Regional Cooperation”, “The Belt and Road and China’s Diplomacy”.


At the opening ceremony, Zhang Ximing, standing committee member of the Qinghai Party Committee and director of publicity, introduced Qinghai’s situation to the participants. He pointed out that there are such theoretical topics as construction of IPE as an academic discipline, as well as more realistic ones like the Belt and Road from the perspective of IPE. Therefore, this forum will play a vital role in the construction of IPE as an academic discipline, promoting strategic research in our country.


In her opening speech, Liu Hui, secretary of UIR party committee, remarked that this forum had its distinctive characteristics. Apart from the realistic issues like the Belt and Road, it extended to theoretical approach, emphasizing application and methodology. Therefore, it contributed to the formation of IPE as an academic discipline, cultivation of competent talents, and rapid development of IPE in China, thus providing more intelligence support for the construction of a well-off society in 2020.


Zhang Yuyan, director of the Institute of World Economics and Politics affiliated to China Academy of Social Sciences, said in her speech that the forum mainly discussed theory, methodology, and application of IPE.


Chen Wei, director of Qinghai Academy of Social Sciences, pointed out that with the acceleration of globalization, China has enhanced its economic strength and global influence to such extent that further study of IPE is in urgent need. In this context, Qinghai academic circles should actively take part in it as “a part of the global village”. In this process, they could exchange their ideas with their counterparts, discover, summarize and learn to strengthen their analytical ability, make proper judgment of global, domestic and regional trend, and improve their consultation capabilities. From this perspective, the forum will accelerate IPE studies in China, stimulate active participation of Qinghai scholars in the process, and help to spread the latest achievement of IPE, which will have a great impact.