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The 4th International Security Studies Forum, Theories and Practice on Asia-Pacific Security Community

发布时间:2017年03月20日        点击数量:897

2016 October 14, the 4th International Security Studies Forum, Theories and Practice on Asia-Pacific Security Community, was held in GuangXi University for Nationalities, Nanning Province.


Li Gang, deputy head of GuangXi University for Nationalities, handle the meeting. Secretariat of CPC of the university, Tao Jian, Dean at University of International Relations, and Yan Anlin, assistant Dean of Shanghai Institutes for International Studies respectively delivered their opening speeches, which declared the starting of the Forum.




Former Vice Minister of the International Department of the Central Committee of the CPC, Hong Jun, member of The National Committee of CPPCC, Vice President of Chines People’s Association For Peace and Disarmament, Pro.Zhu Feng South China Sea Collaborative Innovation Center in Nanjing University, and Pro.Yu Xiaofeng, Director at Institute of Non-traditional Security and Peace Development in Zhejiang University gave their keynote addresses. Pro. Yu Hongjun aimed at “Asia-Pacific Security and Regional Stability” and argued China’s vital and positive role in the security o f Asia-Pacific, also China would contribute more to it. Pro.Zhu Feng delivered his speech under the title “The Future of Asia-Pacific: A Perspective from Theories and Policies”. He commented on the current Asia-Pacific Security Situation and its future based on theories and policies. Yu Xiaofeng, as a well-known specialist in Non-traditional Security domestically, shared his views on non-traditional security and its coping strategy. Her speech, “A Theory Perspective——the Challenges and Coping of Non-traditional Security”.


Dean at University of International Relations, Tao Jian’s speech was deeply appreciated.



Kang Yanmei, The head of Research Department, presented at the Forum.




This Forum received high attention for academics. Nearly 100 celebrated experts and scholars from Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Renmin University, Renmin University of China, Fudan University, China University of Political Science and Law, Zhejian University, University of International Relations, Beijing Language and Culture University, Nanjing University, Soochow University, GuangXi University for Nationalities, China Foreign Affairs University, Tongji University, Shi Shi Publishing House, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Chinese people's Liberation Army University of International Relations, Shanghai University Of Political Science and Law, and Guangdong University of Foreign Studies attended the meeting. Under the theme,Theories and Practice on Asia-Pacific Security Community, delegates discussed and exchanged about issues “constructive theories on Asia-Pacific Security Community”, “Complex Body on Asia-Pacific Security”, ”Construction on Asia-Pacific Security Community” and “ ASEAN’s role in the Asia-Pacific Security Community”.



The two-day Forum was jointly held by the editorial office of Journal of International Security Studies attached to the University of International Relations, College of ASEAN Studies of GuangXi University for Nationalities, Office of Global Review Shanghai Institutes for International Studies.




Found by the office of Journal of International Security Studies belonging to the University of International Relations, the International Security Studies Forum was a large-scale academic activities supported and participated by various scholar bodies. Since founded in 2013 and held annually, the forum concerned in significant theories and practices about international security issues has been conducted successfully for three times.