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The First “Belt and Road” Security Study High-Level Forum Jointly Organised by UIR and SHUPL

发布时间:2017年11月15日        点击数量:859





On June 11th, the first forum for “The Belt and Road” Security Study was cosponsored by UIR(University of International Relations) and SHUPL(Shanghai University of Political Science and Law). Representatives from 20 universities and science research institutes attended the forum.





PAN Mutian, the vice president of SHUPL, presided over the opening ceremony. LIU Xiaohong, president of SHUPL, and TAO Jian, the president of of UIR, delivered speeches on behalf of the sponsors. respectively.



On behalf of the SHUPL, LIU Xiaohong warmly welcomed  the delegates. She pointed out that  “the Belt and Road” initiative was a major decision made by the Party central Committee and the State Council. The current forum had both academic and practical significance. She also introduced SHUPL’s research progress on the “The Belt and Road”.



The president TAO Jian of UIR expressed his appreciation to the organiser, SHUPL, for its undertaking of this meeting. He pointed out that UIR had the willingness to give full play of its advantages to the security researches and to work together in cooperation and communication with SHUPL in relevant areas.





In the course of the keynote speeches, Yang Jie Mian, the chairman of the Academic Committee of the Shanghai Institute of International Studies, Shi Yinhong, the director of the US Research Center of the China Renming University, Guo Xiangang, the vice President of the China Institute of International Studies, Tang Yongsheng, the deputy Chief of Department of Strategy Teaching and Research, Pan Guang, the chief expert of the China National Institute for SCO International Exchange and Judicial Cooperation, Wu Xinbo, the executive Deputy Chief of the Institute of International Studies of Fudan University, and Xu Yongquan, the vice director of China Center for Contemporary World Studies, shared their insightful views on such topics –as “The Belt and Road” as “Security Issues”, “Diplomatic Strategy”, “Culture and Religions”, “Regional Governance”, “Economic Cooperation”, and “Current International Situation”, “Regional Security”, as well as ”Major Power Relations”. Wu Xinbo and Xing Guangcheng, the director of the Institute of China’s Border Studies, CASS(China Academy of Social Sciences), respectively presided over two keynote speeches.



After the brilliant keynote speeches, Wang Wei, the director of JSNU B&R Institute of SHUPL, and Chen Jianfeng, the Vice President of Shanghai Business School, respectively presided over two seminars. Scholars and experts including LIU Jianfei , the deputy chief of the Institute for International Strategic Studies of the Central Party School of CPC, LIU Jiangyong from the Institute of International Relations, Tsinghua University, XIA Liping, the director of the Institute of International Studies, Tongji University, WANG Yiwei, the director of the Institute of International Affairs, Renmin University of China, GUO Shu yong , School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Shanghai International Studies University, ZHUCaihua, the dean of the School of International Economics of University of Foreign Affairs, GONG Keyu, the deputy chief of the Center for Asia-Pacific Studies of Shanghai Institute for International Studies, XING Guangcheng, director of the Institute of Chinese Borderland Studies of CASS, QIU Huafei, the deputy dean of the Tongji University School of Political Science & International Relations, YUAN Shengyu,the director of the Institute of Shanghai Cooperation Organization of SHUPL, GUO Xuetang, the deputy dean of the Law School of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, ZENG Xianghong, the Institute for Central Asian Studies of Lanzhou University, YANG Chenxi, Department for International and Strategic Studies of China Institute of International Studies, TAN Tan, CHEN Daoyin, ZHOU Qiujun, and YANG Xiaohui,School of International studies and Public Administration of SHUPL, and other scholars shared their research results and -viewpoints extensively on such themes as “the Belt and Road” geopolitical risk, its system design, the terrorism and extremism threat, the safe operation of oil and gas pipelines and domestic safety. ZHOU Fangyin,  the Chief of the Research Center for Peripheral Strategy of Guangdong Institute for International, WANG Weimin,  the dean of the School of International studies and Public Administration of SHUPL, HU Jian, the director of the Social Science ran by Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, and SHENG Hongsheng,  the director of the Supreme People's Court “The Belt and Road” judicial research base affiliated to SHUPL, commented on the academic speeches respectively. Scholars presented at the seminar had an in-depth discussion on the topics that they were interested in.





GUAN Baoying,  the vice president of the SHUPL, presided over the closing ceremony and delivered an address. He pointed out that specialists and scholars had some new ideas regarding the relevant issues after the exchange of ideas in this forum, which would provide more intellectual supports for the national strategic formulation.



After a whole day of intense and enthusiastic academic exchanges, the first “Belt and Road” Security Study High-Level Forum cosponsored by UIR and SHUPL wrapped up. In the future, the forum will continue to exert academic influence in the field of China’s security studies. Medias like Xinhuanet, Jiefang Daily and the Paper reported this forum.

(Wrote by Qian Pingguang, Wang Xiaofei; Shot by Yan Xiaodong)