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Editors of Pacific Journal Visit University of International Relations

发布时间:2017年12月19日        点击数量:658

Editors of Pacific Journal Visit University of International Relations

Time of Issue: 2017-09-21


On September 19, 2017, staff members of the editorial office of the Journal of International Security Studies joined four visiting counterparts from the Pacific Journal in a seminar on editorial work. Chief Editor Tan Xiuying welcomed the guests and briefed them about the development of the Journal of International Security Studies. Su Juan, Assistant to Chief Editor, mainly introduced the editor-in-charge system and the rules of topic selection adopted by the journal and shared her experience and thoughts about editorial work. Editor Qi Lin gave an account of the specifics in running the journal. Pan Feng, Director of the Editorial Department of the Pacific Journal, made a brief introduction of his journal and the bottlenecks they face in future development, and Tan offered the guests her observations concerning measures to transform and grow further. Guests and hosts exchanged opinions in a friendly manner on a series of topics, including reviewing, editorial attainments, and topic-planning.



A view of the seminar


Pacific Journal was launched in 1983 by Zhou Gucheng as the Pacific magazine, and Yu Guangyuan transformed the magazine into its present form in 1993 when he became the Editor-in-Chief.  Supervised by China’s State Oceanic Administration and operated by Pacific Society of China, the Pacific Journal is published both in China and outside the country, and is the only social science journal on marine affairs in China. It is enlisted as a Chinese Core Journal, Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index(CSSCI) journal, Chinese Academy of Social Science Core Journal, China’s Core Journal of Politics and Law, and a source of RDFY (Reprints from Newspapers and Periodicals by Renmin University of China). The journal is authoritative in the study of marine affairs and has a following in the circle of international relations.



A photo of hosts and guests