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Party Secretary Liu Hui Headed UIR Team to The Sixth International Politics & Economy Forum

发布时间:2017年12月24日        点击数量:670

Party Secretary Liu Hui Headed UIR Team to

The Sixth International Politics & Economy Forum

Time of Issue:2015-09-29        Number of Clicks:390


The School of Public Administration of Zhengzhou University, the Institute of World Economics and Politics of China Academy of Social Sciences, and the University of International Relations, together with China International Culture Exchange Centre, jointly hosted the 6th International Politics & Economy Forum, themed "The Belt and Road: A Perspective of International Politics & Economy" in Zhengzhou University on Sep. 5. Liu Hui, Party Secretary of UIR, Zheng Yonghe, Party Secretary of Zhengzhou University, Zhang Yuyan, expert and Director of the Institute of World Economics and Politics of China Academy of Social Sciences, Tong Xiaobing, Executive Vice Secretary-General of CICEC, and Liu Jiansheng, Deputy Director-General of the Bureau of Publication of the Publicity Department of the CPC, addressed the opening ceremony. Also present at the ceremony were Guo Huimin and Li Jiaxing, Vice Presidents of UIR. Other participants in the forum included over 100 experts and scholars in international politics and economy from China Academy of Social Sciences, UIR, Peking University, Fudan University, Shanghai International Studies University, Renmin University of China, China Foreign Affairs University, and Jilin University.



A view of the forum


A host of renowned scholars made keynote speeches in the morning session, which was chaired by Researcher Zhang Yuyan. Topics included: " The Belt and Road: Conceptual Innovation of China's Diplomacy", " A Review of Chinese Scholars' Research of the Belt and Road Strategy", "The Belt and Road Initiative and Brand Management of Chinese Enterprises Going Global", "Russia on the Silk Road Economic Belt", "How Does the Silk Road Economic Belt Link with the Eurasian Economic Union", "The Belt and Road Initiative and the Reconstruction of China's Geo-Political and -Economic Strategy", "The Risks and Challenges in Building the Belt and Road and Strategy Equilibrium to be Maintained", and "The Belt and Road Initiative and the Transformation of China's Economy and Diplomacy".


There were four parallel sessions in the afternoon, featuring speeches and discussions on "the Belt and Road Initiative and the Theoretical Construction of International Politics and Economics", "the Belt and Road Initiative and China's Diplomacy", "the Belt and Road Initiative and Trans-Regional Governance", "the Belt and Road Initiative and Economic Integration".



A photo of participants