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Seminar of Topic Planning 2016 For the Journal of International Security Studies

发布时间:2017年12月24日        点击数量:659

Seminar of Topic Planning 2016

For the Journal of International Security Studies

Time of Issue:2016-01-15


The Editorial Department of the Journal of International Security Studies held a seminar of topic planning for 2016 on Dec. 18, 2015 in the Academic Exchange Center in the University of International Relations. The editors of the journal were joined by scholars and experts from prestigious universities and research institutes around the country. Kang Yanmei, Director of the Research Department of UIR, chaired the seminar.



A view of the seminar


Li Jiaxing, Vice President of UIR, addressed the seminar on behalf of the university. He briefed on the latest development of the journal since its revamp: as of November 24, 2015, based on Composite Impact Factor, it ranked the 10th among the 119 journals published on CNKI on Politics in China and the World; and Xinhua Digest, Chinese Social Sciences Digest, Reprints from Newspapers and Periodicals by Renmin University of China, China University Academic Abstracts, carried 19 reprints from the papers first published in this journal. Li pointed out that in order to realize the goal of being a top journal in its own field, the journal must be equipped with clear guidelines and best editors who can cooperate with the top team of authors. Topic-planning seminars like this one could help the journal narrow the range of topics and grow further.



A view of the seminar


Participants respectively reported their overall design of the topic selection for 2016 and introduced the basic information and possible difficulties of the authors in the pool. Covering all the hot issues of this year, the proposed topics are highly relevant and inspirational, and point to the frontier of research in international relations. Participants also put forward suggestions on how to highlight the theme of security research, whether or not to carry articles of different styles, and how to integrate the journal in classroom teaching in UIR to benefit both teachers and students.



Tao Jian, President of UIR


Tao Jian, President of UIR, made a concluding speech. He pointed out that topic selection by experts in the field of security research could help forge a “community of shared future” among scholars, editors and universities and make sure that the Journal of International Security remains original and authoritative in its publication. The growth of the journal in recent years has provided UIR with a good academic platform and broadened the horizons of both teachers and students; it has also made the university more determined to further improve the journal.



A photo of participants