Page 160 - 《国际安全研究》2020年第1期
P. 160

Journal of International Security Studies
        39   Weaponization of Space and Construction of China’s Space
            HE Qisong

            [Abstract]    Space technology was a product of the Cold War armament race
            between the USA and the USSR. The moment the world’s  first satellite was
            launched into its orbit, space has become closely associated with militarization,
            followed by the weaponization of space. In the post-Cold War era, in order to ensure
            space hegemony and maintain its supremacy as the only superpower, the United
            States would pay any price to resume its policy of space weaponization, which has
            triggered counter actions from other countries. The escalating threats and challenges
            brought about by the weaponization of space plays a central role in the establishment
            of anti-missile systems around the world and arms race in space, increasing the risk
            of nuclear war, hindering the process of global nuclear disarmament and limiting the
            commercial development of space and the Space 2030 Agenda. All of these have
            exerted great impact on international strategic balance and stability. The
            weaponization of space is seriously threatening China’s space security, putting
            China’s space rights and assets in jeopardy. What’s more, China’s strategic places
            will be threatened by reconnaissance  activities and strikes from other countries’
            space systems. Hence, it is quite important for China to consolidate the construction
            of its space deterrence forces and space security system in order to grapple well with
            the threats and challenges posed by space weaponization.
            [Keywords]  space weaponization, space security, space governance, China’s space
            security system, strategic construction
            [Author]    HE Qisong, Professor, School of Political Science and Public Administration,
            East China University of Political Science and Law (Shanghai, 200042).

       68   Rethinking the Co-Ethnicity  Advantages in Counter-Insurgency: A
            Case Study on India’s Handling of Sikh Insurgency
            XIE Chao
            [Abstract]    This paper argues that all parties in ethnic minority-related insurgency
            movements and counter-insurgency (COIN) operations can stand an equal chance to
            take co-ethnicity advantages, making  full use of local environments, human
            intelligence and public mobilization. In order to undermine, neutralize or prevail
            over insurgent groups, the government should opt for a counter-insurgency strategy
            that gives full play to the  moderate  factions. The working mechanism lies in
            developing better control over the local population and winning the hearts and minds
            of the local people. When the government is able to control a large proportion of the
            local people, it becomes difficult for the insurgent groups to recruit enough people to

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