Page 159 - 《国际安全研究》2020年第4期
P. 159
Vo1. 38, No. 4, July/August 2020
3 National Security: Problems, Logic and Its Discipline Construction
LI Wenliang
[Abstract] The concept of national security and the specific national security issues
have laid a foundation for the construction of national security theory as well as
national security discipline. National security issues are those that have been
incorporated into the national security agenda. They pose risks and threats not only
to the security status of national interests, core interests in particular, but also to the
security capacity for maintaining such security status. The intrinsic logic in national
security issues is revealed in two ways: the coexistence of objectivity and
subjectivity, which implies both objective existence and subjective perceptions;
national security issues are not self-independent but a derivative of other issues. The
intrinsic logic in national security issues enables national security discipline to take
on its unique disciplinary characteristic, namely “crosscutting extension”. Owing to
this distinctive attribute, national security discipline has become an emerging
independent discipline with great compatibility, applicability and interdisciplinarity.
It is closely related to such fields as politics, economy, society, culture, military,
information, ecology, space, meteorology, etc. National security studies, being a first
level discipline, should have its second level disciplines like national security theory,
national security strategy and policy, national security and rule of law, national
security management, national security information research and practice as well as
national security and cyberspace security technology. It is not possible to build
national security studies as an academic discipline overnight. The construction of it
should be carried out in an orderly manner through pilot projects in accordance with
the national policies and top-level designs.
[Keywords] national security discipline, crosscutting extension, national security
status and capacity, disciplinary construction, disciplinary path
[Author] LI Wenliang, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Dean of the Graduate
School of the University of International Relations (Beijing, 100091).
24 Aid Security: An Emerging Issue from the Perspective of Aid
MAO Weizhun
[Abstract] Foreign aid is a focal issue in the studies of international politics and
international political economy. On the one hand, foreign aid, as a kind of special
international public goods provided by donor countries, plays a significant role in
global governance and international development. On the other hand, foreign aid,
being an instrument of foreign policies for a given country, has inherent strategic
implications in the arena of global competition. In international politics, foreign aid
committed to further development is closely related to security issues. The
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