Page 157 - 《国际安全研究》2021年第1期
P. 157
Vo1. 39 No. 1, January/February 2021
politico-security order through their voting choices in the UN Security Council. The
combination of text analysis and action observation may provide a more
comprehensive understanding of the views of the two countries. By no means shall
China and Russia be viewed as “revisionist countries” as both of them advocate
maintaining the stability of the UN-centered international politico-security order,
promoting the development of a multi-polarized order in a more fair and reasonable
direction, safeguarding international fairness and justice, opposing arms races and
the militarization of outer space, as well as fighting against hegemonism and power
politics. At the same time, it should be noted that the two countries differ in their
understandings of multi-polarization, means to maintain international political
security, the Eurasian regional order and non-traditional security. They have also
demonstrated different degrees of respect for the UN-centered international security
system. Comparatively speaking, China has displayed more consistency between its
words (statements on international politico-security order) and deeds (behaviors in
maintaining that order).
[Keywords] international order, international politico-security order, Sino-Russian
relations, UN system
[Author] LEI Jianfeng, Associate Professor, Department of Diplomacy, China
Foreign Affairs University (Beijing, 100037).
63 Lancang-Mekong Water Resources Security and Water Cooperation:
From a Development-oriented Perspective
[Abstract] Since the beginning of the 21st century, water and related resources in
Lancang-Mekong basin have been subject to mounting pressure due to the
population growth, rapid economic development and urbanization. The
uncoordinated development of Mekong water resources by the riparian countries and
the frequent occurrence of extreme weather events brought about by climate change
have caused devastating impacts on the Lancang-Mekong basin facing increased
risks to water security. Currently, water security of this region is witnessing a
medium-level vulnerability that will be further exacerbated by the cumulative
environmental effects caused by the completed and ongoing projects as well as the
possible upcoming ones. In order to safeguard water security, all the Mekong river
countries have expressed their hope for greater consultation, coordination and
cooperation on water resources issues among themselves and with China, the most
upstream country of the Mekong river. From the highest to lowest ranking, their
water security needs are: flood control, water supply, ecological security and
water-food-energy security. While the four basic security needs coexisting with each
other, they occupy the dominant status at different stages of the social and economic
development of these countries. Given that the Lancang-Mekong water security
cooperation should meet different needs for water security while taking into
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