Page 157 - 《国际安全研究》2022年第1期
P. 157

Vo1.  40,  No.  1,  January/February  2022


             4   Reflections on Characteristics of National Security and Its Governance
               JIA Qingguo
               [Abstract]  In  recent  years,  countries  around  the  world  have  been  placing  greater
               importance on the issue of national security, increasingly recognizing its pivotal role in
               state  governance,  to  which  China  is  no  exception.  However,  an  incomprehensive
               understanding of national security still exists among people, which is mainly manifested
               in either talking about national security in general and abstract terms or just focusing on
               certain  aspects  of  national  security.  Few  discussions  address  the  topic  of  national
               security in a systematic way and even such discussions are not as comprehensive and
               penetrating as expected. Effective national security governance requires comprehensive
               and systematic efforts to clarify the connotation and extension of the concept of national
               security as well as relations between national security and other important issues. Hence,
               principles and paths of national security governance can be explored in an efficient way.
               National  security  is  an  extremely  rich  concept  with  multifaceted  and  changing
               connotations. Its key factors are closely interrelated, featuring not only relativity and
               non-uniqueness  but  also  subjectivity  and  sociality. To  study  in  depth  and  grasp the
               essence of national security calls for a holistic thinking on security and a comprehensive
               look at the challenges facing us from the perspective of overall security, drawing on
               historical  experiences  and  lessons  learned  both  at  home  and  abroad,  and  seriously
               dealing with these challenges. Therefore, choosing the right paths of national security
               governance should adhere to the principles of comprehensiveness and balance, paying
               special attention to following the trend and carrying out cooperation in relevant areas.
               [Keywords]  a  holistic  approach  to  national  security,  national  security,  security
               governance, governance paths, security characteristics, security principles
               [Author] JIA Qingguo, Member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee
               of  the  Chinese  People’s  Political  Consultative  Conference  (CPPCC);  Professor  at
               School of International Studies, Peking University; Director of the Institute for Global
               Cooperation and Understanding at Peking University (Beijing, 100871).

            26  Rules, Relations and Regional Security Governance: A Case Study of

               Collaborative  Governance of Public Health in the  Greater Mekong
               WEI Ling and YANG Jiayi
               [Abstract]  When  it  comes  to  studies  on  regional  security  governance,  rules,  in
               particular international rules function as a dominant discourse or paradigm. However,
               rules  per  se  do  not  promote  governance  practice  or  generate  desired  governance
               effects automatically. Taking advantage of the latest development in  the relational
               theory of world politics, this paper attempts to establish an integrated “rule-relation”
               model of regional governance. The basic assumption is that international rules have

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