Page 115 - 《国际安全研究》2023年第1期
P. 115
2023 年第 1 期
三 数据和方法
统计数据覆盖 1945—2020 年的 146 个后殖民国家。顾名思义,后殖民(post-colonial)
国家是经历过殖民统治的领土—主权国家。本文把 1945 年后获得主权独立的国家
划归为后殖民国家。 ①
的能力。 在卡梅伦·蒂斯(Cameron Thies)的一系列经验研究中,他主要把财
政汲取能力操作为税收占国内生产总值的百分比。 本文的结果变量取自国际税收
和发展研究中心(International Center for Tax and Development,ICTD)和联合国大
学世界发展经济学院(United Nations University World Institute for Development
Economics Research,UNU-WIDER)联合开发的政府收入数据(Government Revenue
Dataset,GRD),指标是 direct_ex_sc_ex_rt,是指以剥离了资源租金和社会捐赠
(social grants)后的直接税收入占国内生产总值的百分比,较为准确地捕捉到了“汲
取能力”这个概念的精髓。 ④
① Cameron Thies, “State Building, Interstate and Intrastate Rivalry: A Study of Post-Colonial
Developing Country Extractive Efforts, 1975-2000,” International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 48, No. 1,
2004, p. 65; Emizet Kisangani and Jeffrey Pickering, “Rebels, Rivals, and Post-colonial State-Building:
Identifying Bellicist Influences on State Extractive Capability,” International Studies Quarterly, Vol.
58, No. 1, 2014, pp. 191-193.
② 查尔斯·梯利:《发动战争与缔造国家类似于有组织的犯罪》,载彼得·埃文斯等主编:
《找回国家》,方力维等译,生活·读书·新知三联书店 2009 年版,第 232-233 页。
③ Cameron Thies, “State Building, Interstate and Intrastate Rivalry: A Study of Post-Colonial
Developing Country Extractive Efforts, 1975-2000,” International Studies Quarterly, Vol. 48, No. 1,
2004, p. 62; Cameron Thies, “War, Rivalry, and State Building in Latin America,” American Journal of
Political Science, Vol. 49, No. 3, 2005, p. 455.
④ Kyle McNabb, “Toward Closer Cohesion of International Tax Statistics: The
ICTD/UNU-WIDER GRD 2017,” WIDER Working Paper 2017/184, Helsinki: UNU-WIDER, 2017;
Wilson Prichard et al., “The ICTD Government Revenue Dataset,” ICTD Working Paper 19, Brighton:
International Centre for Tax and Development, 2014. 关于 RPC 的数据来源,参见 Jacek Kugler and
Ronald Tammen, Performance of Nations, Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2012。
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