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2018 年第 4 期

                          五  过程:族群动员及精英-大众交互作用

                   格奥尔格·齐美尔(Georg  Simmel)和刘易斯·科赛(Lewis  Coser)最早就
               指出,精英动员是族群间冲突的一个关键。   毕竟,若没有一定组织上的支持,族

               这一点并不奇怪。确实,如詹姆斯·费伦(James Fearon)和戴维·莱廷曾指出的

               效抑制类似冲突。   关于抗争性政治的文献中对此问题已有非常多的讨论,并就动


                  ① Georg Simmel, Conflict and the Web of Group Affiliations, translated and edited by Reinhard
               Bendix and Kurt H. Wolff, Glenco, Ill.: Free Press, 1955; Lewis A. Coser, The Functions of Social
               Conflict: Political Opportunism and Ethnic Conflict, Glencoe, Ill.: Free Press, 1956.
                  ②  James D. Fearon and David  D. Laitin, “Violence and the Social Construction of Ethnic
               Identity,” International Organization, Vol. 54, No. 4 (Autumn 2000), pp. 853-860.
                  ③  Doug  McAdam,  Sidney Tarrow and Charles Tilly,  Dynamics of  Contention, Cambridge:
               Cambridge University Press, 2001;  Sidney G. Tarrow,  Power in Movement:  Social Movements  and
               Contentious Politics (3rd edition), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011; Charles  Tilly and
               Sidney Tarrow, Contentious Politics, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.  关于族群动员问题有大量
               的研究成果。与其相关的重要讨论和证据参见 Badredine Arfi, “Ethnic Fear: The Social Construction of
               Insecurity,” Security Studies, Vol. 8, No. 1 (September 1998), pp. 151-203; Paul R. Brass, Ethnicity and
               Nationalism: Theory and Comparison, Beverly Hills, CA & New Delhi: Sage, 1991; Paul R. Brass, Theft
               of An Idol: Text and Context in the Representation of Collective Violence,  Princeton, N. J.: Princeton
               University Press, 1997; Donald  L. Horowitz,  Ethnic Groups in Conflict, Berkeley, CA: University of
               California Press, 1985; Donald L. Horowitz, Deadly Ethnic Riots, Berkeley, CA: University of California
               Press, 2001;  Stuart J. Kaufman,  Modern Hatred: the Symbolic  Politics of Ethnic War, Ithaca, N. Y.:
               Cornell University Press, 2001; Joseph Rothschild, Ethnopolitics: A Conceptual Framework, New York:
               Columbia University Press, 1981。另有两部研究作品出色地应用族群动员理论来研究(族群)抵抗
               和反叛问题,参见 Mark R.  Bessinger,  Nationalist  Mobilization and the  Collapse of the Soviet State,
               Cambridge: Cambridge  University Press, 2002; Roger D. Petersen, Resistance and Rebellion: Lessons
               from Eastern Europe, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001。
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