Page 68 - 《国际安全研究》2021年第1期
P. 68


            造认知。  2006 年,马克·泽图恩(Mark Zeitoun)和杰荣·华纳(Jeroen Warner)
            择决定了水资源冲突或合作的程度。   与此同时,一些学者努力超越现实主义
            静态的权力理论。迈克尔·舒尔茨(Michael Schulz)、帕特里克·麦夸尔(Patrick
            MacQuarrie)和安东尼·特顿(Anthony Turton)等人发展了“水政治复合体”


            济和社会背景下分析。这种变化在澜湄水资源问题上表现得尤为明显。20 世纪 90
            年代到 21 世纪初,国外学者从硬实力视角出发,认为中国与下游国家的权力不对

            的“上游霸权国”“上游超级力量”“好斗者”和“地区水安全威胁者”。  2010 年

                ①  Marwa Daoudy, “Turkey and the Region: Testing the Links between Power Asymmetry and
            Hydro-Hegemony,” Presentation given at First  Workshop on Hydro-Hegemony, May  21-22, 2005,
            King’s College London, London, UK,;
            Anthony Turton, “Hydro-Hegemony in the Context of  the South African Cold War  Experience,”
            Presentation given at First Workshop on Hydro-Hegemony, May 21-22, 2005, King’s College London,
            UK,; Steven Lukes,
            Power: A Radical View, Hampshire, UK: Palgrave MacMillan, 2005.
                ②  Mark Zeitoun and Jeroen Warner, “Hydro-hegemony - A Framework for Analysis of Trans-
            boundary Water Conflict,” Water Policy, Vol. 8, No. 5, 2006, pp. 435-460.
                ③  Michael Schulz, “Turkey, Syria and Iraq: A Hydropolitical Security Complex,” in Leif Ohlsson,
            ed., Hydropolitics: Conflicts over Water as a Development Constraint, London: Zed Books, 1995, pp.
            91-122; Patrick MacQuarrie, Water Security in the Middle East: Growing Conflict over Development in
            the Euphrate-Tigris Basin, Dublin: Trinity College, 2004, p. 11; Anthony Turton, “An Introduction to
            the Hydropolitical Dynamics of the Orange River Basin,” in Mikiyasu Nakayama, ed., International
            Waters in Southern Africa, Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2003, pp. 136-163.
                ④  Richard Cronin, “Mekong Dams and the Perils of Peace,” Survival, Vol. 51, No. 6, 2009, pp.
            147-160; Timo Menniken, “China’s Performance in International Resource Politics: Lessons from the
            Mekong,”  Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol.  29, No. 1, 2007, pp. 97-120;  James Nickum, “The
            Upstream Superpower: China’s International River,” in Olli Varis, Cecilia Tortajada and Asit Biswas,
            eds., Management of Transboundary Rivers and Lake, Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2008,
            pp. 227-244; Evelyn Goh, “China in the Mekong River Basin: The Regional Security Implications of
            Resource Development on the Lancang Jiang,” RSIS, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore,
            July 2004,
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