Page 70 - 《国际安全研究》2020年第4期
P. 70


            准,不同学者在具体操作中作出了不同的划分。   毫无疑问,区分强国和弱国是

            合适的。   实际上,当国家虚弱时,安全重心便被认为落在其“政权”(regime)
            之上。洪永培(Yong-Pyo Hong)对李承晚政权的动态分析表明:“随着李政权合
            法性的减少,其政策优先项也从国家安全向政权安全转移”,   此时,政权安全

                ①  大体上有三种分法,一是将弱国大致对应于发展中世界或“非西方国家”,部分学者强调
            其中的威权主义国家,参见 Yong-Pyo Hong, State Security and Regime Security: President Syngman
            Rhee and the Insecurity Dilemma in South Korea, 1953-60, New York: St. Martin’s Press, Inc., 2000,
            pp. 3-7; Curtis R. Ryan,  Inter-Arab  Alliances: Regime Security and Jordanian  Foreign Policy,
            Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2009, pp. 13, 26; M. Taylor Fravel, “Economic Growth,
            Regime Insecurity, and Military  Strategy: Explaining the  Rise  of  Noncombat Operations in China,”
            Asian Security, Vol. 7, No. 3, 2011, p. 180;二是对应于冷战时的“第三世界”,认为弱国集中分布
            以色列、古巴、中国、日本、越南、台湾地区、韩国以外的“亚非拉的所有国家”。参见 Joel S. Migdal,
            Strong Societies and Weak States: State-Society Relations and State Capabilities in the Third World,
            Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1988, p.  269; Steven  R. David, “Explaining Third  World
            Alignment,” World Politics, Vol. 43, No. 2, 1991, p. 238; Barry Buzan and Ole Wæver, Regions and
            Powers: The Structure of International Security, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. 24,
            104, 128, 252;三是采用“中心—边缘”分析,将弱国大致对应于有别于“中心”的“边缘”国
            家乃至一些“半边缘”国家,甚至包括冷战时的一些主要国家。参见 Barry Buzan, “New Patterns
            of Global Security in the  Twenty-First Century,”  International Affairs, Vol. 67, No. 3, 1991, pp.
            431-451; Barry Buzan,  People, States, and  Fear: The National  Security  Problem in International
            Relations, Sussex: Wheatsheaf Books, 1983, p. 66。同时,几乎每一种分法都会列出一些例外情况,
            如史蒂文·戴维(Steven R. David)指出,“这些对第三世界的概括并不意味着所有第三世界国家
            也不仅仅适用于第三世界,正如 1989 年东欧政府倒台清楚表明的那样,第三世界以外的国家也
            面临着缺乏共识和合法性薄弱等问题”。见 Steven R. David, “Explaining Third World Alignment,”
            World Politics, Vol. 43, No. 2, 1991, p. 242,这些都表明区别于已有分类的“弱国”类型学的独特
                ②  Barry Buzan,  Ole Wæver and Jaap de Wilde,  Security: A New Framework  for Analysis,
            London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998, p. 152; Barry Buzan, People, State and Fear: An Agenda for
            International Security Studies in the  Post-Cold  War Era, Harlow, United Kingdom: Prentice  Hall
            Europe, 1991,  pp. 99-103; Barry Buzan  and  Ole Wæver,  Regions and  Powers: The Structure of
            International Security, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003, p. 24.
                ③ Yong-Pyo  Hong,  State Security and  Regime  Security: President Syngman Rhee and the
            Insecurity Dilemma in South Korea, 1953-60, New York: St. Martin’s Press, Inc., 2000, p. 10.
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